Wednesday, August 18, 2021

How to Sue your Employer for COVID-19 - is your life really worth $10 per hour?

You could be eligible for suing your employer for COVID-19 if they neglect or intentionally ignore safety procedures, including the use of masks and social distancing.  Many employers, even in essential services such as hospitals and grocery stores will not go out of their way to protect the life of their employees.  They prefer earning a good "bottom line" over the risks.  Vaccines should at the very least be encouraged by employers, if not mandated.  Furthermore, the CDC has created tons of confusion with guidelines over masks and distancing, that it is no longer feasible to follow their every word.  Because of the Delta variant, Vaccines likely don't provide the 95% prevention anymore but is realistically 60-70% prevention, and 95% against severe illness.  The CDC has been reluctant to admit this.  

Employers are making horrendous mistakes in handling COVID-19, especially "white collar" companies where remote working is 100% doable.  These companies, such as Goldman Sachs and JP Morgan, as well as hundreds of other firms that are only somewhat tech-savvy, all want to reopen their offices so that they can have full control over their employees again to keep monitoring them physically.  It isn't enough for these "office" types of business to allow the benefits of employees working remotely.  These companies are especially sitting ducks for lawsuits, because unlike say Starbucks or Home Depot which must remain physically open, the white-collar office doesn't NEED to be open, the management is just anxious to believe their office must re-open.  Of course, the managers of most offices are all idiots, unlike tech companies which understand the risks (i.e. Coinbase, Apple and Facebook are only having employees working remote).  I hope the dumb finance offices that force employees back to working in a physical location all get sued.

The risks of COVID-19.  There are basically two types of infection symptoms which can occur with COVID-19:

1) Mild to Moderate: the typical infection.  Usually resolves on its own in two weeks.  Symptoms usually include coughing, fever, chills, sweating, fatigue, loss of taste/smell, chest pain, headaches and lasts about two weeks.  Sometimes symptoms are very mild, and only represent a cold.  Probably not lawsuit worthy unless there are long-term complications.

2) Severe to Death.  Usually doesn't resolve on its own and requires hospital treatment via steroids.  Can last 6-8 weeks or more, depending on the severity of illness.  Symptoms include breathing issues including Coronavirus pneumonia, shortness of breath, heart issues, confusion, sleeping issues, cytokine storm, long-term complications and death.  You should seek an attorney if you know that you received the COVID-19 infection from work, or lost a loved one due to COVID-19 in these cases.  If an employer fires you for missing too much work, you can sue them for that also and get your job back.  Businesses, Educators and Hospitals all need to be punished for any severe cases so make sure you keep on top of your attorneys.

Since we cannot control the pandemic and it has become so unpredictable at this point, we can pretty much just do whatever it takes to protect ourselves and take the risks we are willing to.  COVID-19, which -maybe- was created in a Wuhan lab is regardless more-or-less God's divine punishment against humanity for globalization and the way people have been living their lives for the last 30 years, with an immoral great dependence on China and cheap labor.  China caused the pandemic, and now we are all living with it, so we can't let the predators take advantage of us.  Fight back.

Make sure to do a Google search for lawyers and use the terminology "Employment Lawyers" in your area as opposed to "COVID lawyer" because you will get too many weird results otherwise.  You can also search for "Personal Injury Lawyer", but attorneys that deal with employers are the best choice.

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